
Monday, May 19, 2014

Let it Flow #2

Well, well, well. Look at who hasn't been on their blog for ages? By ages I mean almost a month. *Shudders* Such a long period of time. I can't believe I abandoned you guys for so long. 

My dramatic side aside, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting older feels different, but I feel the same. Is that weird? Yeah, I think it's weird. Time really flies by, and I'm always so surprised by it. I still feel like I'm in kindergarten (maybe because I act like it sometimes,) and looking up to the older kids. But now I'm the older kid, looking down at the kindergartens.  Time is something really amazing and annoying. It really does fly by while you're having a great time, and it slows down when you're in class listening to a boring lecture. 


Can everyone please stop and just wait a few seconds for this amazing piece of news to sink in? Thank you. 

3. Writer's block. 

It's non-existent. I was reading another blog post that I found when surfing the web, and it made a point that I agreed to reluctantly. It is non-existent. It's just something that writer's say when they don't want to write, or are too lazy. Because you might not be able to write something good and juicy, but you can still write. Sometimes I just force myself to write (like in NaNoWriMo), and after the first few terrible sentences, the words start flowing and making more sense. So whenever you want to write but cant think of anything, just write. Anything is okay. Try your best, it may be terrible, but it's still better than not writing. 

This is a terrible conclusion. Um. Blog post, DONE! :D