
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Plans! Beware. A Loong Post.

HO HO HO! Meeeery Christmas! HO HO HO!

Alright. Who am I kidding? I'm no Santa. I'm just a Laurel that is in a verrryyy in-depth Christmas mood, because TONIGHT IS CHRISTMAS EVE! :) *Jumps out of chair, does a quick happy dance, comes back and plops down* Yay!

Anyhoo, today I'm going to tell you all about my Christmas Plans. :)

Christmas Eve Plans:
Later today we're going to have my mom's best friend come and eat dinner with us. Yay! The meal includes:

*** heehee, Asian foods. Yum! Can't help it, I'm Asian. :)

So, mom's best friend is going to come after lunch, gossip with my mom or whatsoever, have dinner and then... We're going to church! To meet up with my best friends, Amanda and Yixuan. Want a photo? 

Amanda on the left,

Bad hair day for me. --> Yixuan on the right,

So, as I was saying typing, we're going to Church for a Choir/kids performance. We (the choir) will be singing a Christmas song in Chinese while the kids act it out in front of us onstage. We had a dress rehearsal on Sunday, and I took some pictures! 

She is sooo adorable! A sweet little angel :)

One of the cutest sheep ever! :)

Ah, yes. The Christmas tree. Not Christmas without that!

The three wise men. 

A very photogenic Mary with a Joseph with glasses.

Ah, Emma is just soo excited to be Mary.

Our little angels. :)

A very blurry motion picture with the choir in the back and the kids up front acting it all out. "..."

I hope this performance goes well. Pray for me! A lot of unbelievers will be there, and our mission is to make them know the Lord Jesus, and Christmas's true meaning. 

The choir has to meet at church at 6:30 for last minute rehearsals, so right after dinner my mom, mommy's bestie and I will rush there. I think Moma's bestie will just sit and watch. LOL. It officially starts at 7:30PM, and will probably end around 9:00PM. Including the other performances. :) 

Christmas Day Plans:
Waking up and tearing apart my presents. And then blogging about them. WARNING: A VERY energetic post will reach you tomorrow, from Be on your guard, for you might be surprised at how much energy I have. And then we're going to Mom's BFF's house for dinner. My theory is, they just couldn't stop gossipping so they wanted to talk more, and that's how they decided it. :P

Boxing Day Plans: 
Shopping, Shopping, SHOPPING! Will raid the Carlingwood Mall with my Christmas money. Very likely doing a haul on THIS blog. YAHOO!


  1. That dinner looks delish.........

    1. Aha yeah I can't wait to eat :)
      Mom's BFFis here, gossiping with her. LOL.

  2. I just found your blog through Jessica's blog and I think it's really cute :)
    Brooke Jordan

    P.S. (I'm having a Christmas Photo Contest over at my blog with some fun prizes and I would love for you to enter :))

    1. Thanks Brooke! :)
      I'll definitely check it out! :)


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