
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Princess of Perildton ~ Chapter Two

I would like to thank the people who commented on my last post and said encouraging things.
YAY! Makes me want to write my heart out.
I luv ya!
Thank you so much :)

Chapter Two

 Once again. Jazz?

  Once I got home, I dropped my messenger bag with a plunk. I hung my coat on one of the many hooks on the Standfield family coat rack. 
  “Mom! Dad! I’m home, and I’m going out to practice!” I shouted to my parents.
   “Okay, sweetheart! Make sure no one sees you!” The familiar voice belonging to my mom called back.
   I quickly stepped out of my Ugg boots, and ran up the stairs. After I passed Jared’s room, I reached my own. 
   I swung open my pink and purple decorated door to reveal my room, which was purple themed with touches of pink. I scurried to my bed, and reached underneath of it. My hands grasped something carved and hard. 
   I took it out from the dusty floor, fingers grasping it tightly. A new zing of excitement zipped through my head to my feet, just like it did every time I held it.
   My bow.
   Next, I went to the very back of my closet. I grabbed my quiver of arrows.
   I had a secret. One that no one but my family knew about. Not even Emellie. Not even Alexa. My secret.
   I took the backdoor. I walked across the green grass of our backyard and cut through many shortcuts and reached the familiar dirt trail in the woods. Eventually, it lead me to a clearing, with a red and white target nailed firmly on a tree.
   I reached behind my back and grabbed a silver arrow from my quiver. I fit the notched end into my bowstring and pulled at it. Taking careful aim at the target, I released it. Zing! The arrow shot through the air and hit dead center. 
   I grinned, pleased at myself. Not bad, Jazz. But you could do even better. At least that’s what Mom and Dad told you.
   In our family, my great-great-grandma was a very brave archeress for a king in some somewhere in someplace. Apparently, she’d even saved the entire kingdom along with the princess of the kingdom. I wasn’t quite sure about it, though I’d heard the legend many times. It had kind of passed on, the archeress skills. My grandma had also been a brave archeress for the next king of the same place. But my mom wasn’t. My mom was good, but she didn’t want to be an archeress. She’d preferred to stay home and edit her magazines, instead.
Me, on the other hand, was the most talented archer in the family. More so than my mom, brother, and dad. And also unlike my mom, I absolutely loved shooting. It relaxed me, like it was doing right now.
I went forth to inspect where the arrow had hit. As I did, I noticed that the arrow had pinned a slip of paper on the target. 
I took my arrow away and unfolded the paper. 

Archeress of many generations,
You are wanted back.
Along with Princess
And along with the Singer,
To a place you’ve never known about,
But yet you belong here.
Midnight will find you.
He will bring you there.

I folded the piece of paper and tucked it away in my jean pocket. That was weird. It was oddly similar to the story of my great-great-grandma. Going with a Princess to an unknown land. But what did Midnight finding me mean?
Confused, I grabbed another silver arrow from my quiver and shot it. Bulls-eye, again.
After half an hour of shooting, it started getting dark. I decided it was time to go home.
I was walking back, something caught my eye. A Unicorn? It was a magical white, it’s horn swirled with white, pink and blue. Just as my eyes locked on it, it vanished.
Now what in the world did I just see?
I shook the confusing thoughts away and continued back home.

~ ~ ~

   Slam! went the screen door.
   “Jazz, have you finished practicing?” The gruff voice of my father called.
   “Yeah. It was good. Bull’s-eye every time,” I said, as I kicked off my boots.
   “Yeah right, Spazz. Stop bragging. You know you aren’t that good,” My annoying brother Jared said. 
   “Really? I think you’re just jealous.”
   “Of who. You? No, I don’t think you’re worth it.”
   I rolled my eyes. This jerk was what I had to deal with every time I went back home. I wish the chair he was sitting in could break, I thought furiously.
   I jumped. “What was that?” I ran into the dining room and found Jared sitting in a broken chair. 
   I gasped. “What happened?”
   He groaned, sitting up from the broken chair. “This stupid chair snapped on me.”
   My head was swimming. Could it be? No, it couldn't. Things can’t just happen because I thought them. 
   Could they?


  1. Loving it! I like the character change too!

    1. Thank you for commenting on both chapters! I didn't even think about doing a character change, it was totally last minute! :)

  2. I think this one is definitely better than the first chapter {the first chapter was fabulous, too, though, don't get me wrong}, and I bet the third will be even better. There's some sort of quote that basically says:
    ''Every word you write makes you a better writer.''
    And it's so true. Everytime I look at my old stories I'm amazed how bad they are {and at the time I thought they were good}. But they are good and I am still proud of them, just they're not what I expect to see with my words where I am now.

    1. Thank you! I hope so!
      I still remember my first story... It was terrible, but I totally get what you mean, I am proud of it. :)

  3. I can't read this right away but I definitely want to later! The first lines already got me hooked!


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