
Thursday, February 27, 2014


A Quickiiieee, my dear readers.
I have quite a few things planned for you guys in the next few days, Just thought I'd let you know!


Upcoming Things on This MARVELOUS Blog
1. I'm planning a new series, called Sunday Scripture. The Bible is deep, man. So I share a verse with you every Sunday! :D
2. Tomorrow, I'm going to Audrey's house for lunch. And we're doing a blog switch, so she'll do a post on my blog, and I'll do a post on hers. Watch for that!
3. March is coming up soon! I have a daily March blog challenge for all of you people, I will be doing it on my blog, and anyone is welcome to do it on their own blog. 
4. That poll on the side, there? Vote for what you would like to see on this blog. The stats that that poll is collecting decides which posts are more frequent on this blog. :D
5. The Princess of Perildton series! I know, I kinda stopped in December, because I've been having major writer's block. But I will manage it, and I'm already writing the third part for all of you lovely people!
6. MORE POSTS!! Grades have gone up, I can spend more time with my wonderful bloggie and with all of you dear readers!

Enjoy! (Not this blog post, cuz, well.... That was just to inform you, but like the upcoming stuffff :D)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Oh The Joys of Homework

Haha. Homework.
If you didn't notice, the title was full of sarcasm. 
Because I fweel like I'm loaded with homework.
Which I'm actually not, so it's kind of funny.
I should be working on my Science Conclusion thingamabob.
But instead, I'm here, procrastinating.
Why do people procrastinate anyway?

Oh the Joys of Homework.
I find myself, here again,
staring at my lonely desk. 
What am I doing? do you say?
Why boring homework, as always. 

Oh homework, homework. 
How I wish you weren't that much work. 
Could you not stop to think
How much it is annoying to think?
Oh homework, homework.
Give me a day without no work. 
Would you please just go away
and find a place to rest and stay?

Ahem. Wrote that in two minutes. Hope you liked it! :D

Friday, February 21, 2014

Wonders of the World #4

Haven't done this series in the longest. :D
what a pretty picture

such a pretty picture

Purple Campanula, great ground cover and so whimsical! OMG!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Whimsical! Cutest idea EVER for a large tree trunk left in your yard! I so love this.....

sparklers :: #candid #photography

#coffee x #macarons :: #foodporn #photography

Oh. So because of the last photo, I am now really craving sweets.
My. Best. Friend. Made. A. Blog.
She's Audrey.
She's wonderful.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sunshine Award (4x)

"For bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere."
the rules are:
I. thank the blogger that nominated you and link to his/her blog
II. nominate other bloggers and let them know on their blogs
III. answer a list of ten questions
IV. the Sunshine Award button must be posted on your blog.

Whew, it has really taken me a long time to do this. I got awarded by the following VERY VERY amazing people, and in this order (like in time, not the amazingness): BekahCindy, Brooke and MorningTime4, <-- Click there if you want awesomeness. Shanks, I wuv you guys. 

The Ten Questions: (These are the ones from Cindy and MorningTime4. Except I changed the ninth one, I really had no answer to it. o.O)

1. Books or movies?
That's a hard one, but books. Because... I don't know, actually. I just find them... Original? Sorry, that sounds weirrd. I just find reading magical, like I mean.... Okay. I'll stop rambling. 

2. Favorite holiday?
Chinese New Year, excuse my Asian-ess. 

3. Summer or winter?
That is a VERY hard question. Because I'm the kind of person who likes the "in-between" seasons, like SPRING and FALL. So anyway... I'll just say Summer because right now I'm SICK and TIRED of winter. It just snowed 10 more centimeters today, not very happy. 

4. Any relationship advice?
This works for any kind of relationship. Be you. Nobody likes someone fake, and you get tired of not being yourself.

5. Where do you want to travel to?
I actually really want to go to Cuba. The only thing is, I can't. I'm American with an American passport. And they don't let you go to Cuba. Which sucks, because all of my friends (who are, of course, Canadian) say that Cuba's awesome and have been there many times.

6. Biggest fear?
Whew! Such embarrasing questions, man. 
The dark. Because everything is unknown, and like I don't know what's in the darkness. But I do have an eternal source of light, Jesus. <3

7. Favorite quote?
"Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you need to keep moving."
~ Albert Einstien
^ Smart and logical guy :) 

8. What's one thing you want to try?
Bungee Jummping. I want to see the world from a different view. ;) *insert cheesy smile here*

9. Why do you blog?
Because I can be who I can be with the screen in front of me... Um, it's very inspiring. And I find it's like a diary, only much cooler. :) 
Not that diary's are cool, I mean like they're REALLY cool but like blogs are like...
Okay. I gotta stop the awkwardness.

10. What was the last thing you ate?
CHOCOLATE. Actually, I'm currently eating some right now too.

I nominate:

Friday, February 7, 2014

Floating ~ A Short And Simple

Telluride, CO Hot Air Balloon Festival 2013 | AMAZING Family Travel |

I've never been on a hot air balloon.
And I really want to be on one. 
Just that feeling you get when you see everything at the bottom....
Beautiful and glorious.
I can't stop thinking about it.
That would be the perfect place to think.
Perfect place to write.
Perfect place to be inspired.
It's amazing <3
And now, going on a hot air balloon is officially on my bucket list.
I would like to see the world in a different point of view.
Just floating in the sky.
So free. So wonderful. 
Without a care in the world. 
How would that feel?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Harry. :)

Harold Edward Styles turned 20 today on February 1st. If you’re a Harry girl, get ready to cry.
Harry’s always been there. He auditioned for the X-Factor just like the other boys, but he was the youngest at the age of sixteen. Anybody remember how he cried and how our hearts were snapped into a million pieces when he watched him cry after they lost? Then came his relationship with Caroline Flack. It was over soon. His heart was broken again.
We listened to every solo he had on Up All Night. We listened to every solo he had on Midnight Memories. We listened to every solo he had on Take Me Home. Again, we cried, this time over how he sounded in a song like Stole My Heart, where he sounded like a kid, and then we came back as faithful Directioners and heard him sing in Irresistible. He sounded like….a man.
Harry’s the youngest, and he’s so innocent. How can you look at his beautiful smile and think he’s a bad person? Really, he’s not. He’s kind, loyal, and loving. And that’s why we should love him back. He loves his fans no matter how many haters (and there are lots) that attack him on Twitter. Doesn’t someone like this deserve to be loved? Someone who never faltered in being the nearly perfect person he is? When he cries, we should all feel his pain. And we have. Lessen that pain, please. If you’re reading this and you’ve sent him hate, let this speak to you. It hurts him. Harry’s a normal guy, he sees things on Twitter just like the rest of us. And this is my message to all of you- stop sending hate, just give him a break. Wish him Happy Birthday, and mean it down to the bottom of your heart.
Watch Harry grow up.
From that to this.
Lets change the lyrics to sing this to Harry- you don’t know how special you are, you don’t know what you’ve done to our hearts.
I really shouldn't take credit for this. So I'm not going to. This was made, by one of my BEST blogging friends last year and I just switched it a bit up to match this year. She is the wonderful CRocks, and her blog about 1D is here. Honestly, last year this touched my heart so I decided to share this with all of you. 
I love you Harry. Happy twentieth birthday, from the bottom of my heart. <3

BTWS, STORY OF MY LIFE IS #6 on the countdown here in Canada! :)
So proud of these boys.
Also, check out their new video, Midnight Memories!