
Monday, February 17, 2014

Sunshine Award (4x)

"For bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere."
the rules are:
I. thank the blogger that nominated you and link to his/her blog
II. nominate other bloggers and let them know on their blogs
III. answer a list of ten questions
IV. the Sunshine Award button must be posted on your blog.

Whew, it has really taken me a long time to do this. I got awarded by the following VERY VERY amazing people, and in this order (like in time, not the amazingness): BekahCindy, Brooke and MorningTime4, <-- Click there if you want awesomeness. Shanks, I wuv you guys. 

The Ten Questions: (These are the ones from Cindy and MorningTime4. Except I changed the ninth one, I really had no answer to it. o.O)

1. Books or movies?
That's a hard one, but books. Because... I don't know, actually. I just find them... Original? Sorry, that sounds weirrd. I just find reading magical, like I mean.... Okay. I'll stop rambling. 

2. Favorite holiday?
Chinese New Year, excuse my Asian-ess. 

3. Summer or winter?
That is a VERY hard question. Because I'm the kind of person who likes the "in-between" seasons, like SPRING and FALL. So anyway... I'll just say Summer because right now I'm SICK and TIRED of winter. It just snowed 10 more centimeters today, not very happy. 

4. Any relationship advice?
This works for any kind of relationship. Be you. Nobody likes someone fake, and you get tired of not being yourself.

5. Where do you want to travel to?
I actually really want to go to Cuba. The only thing is, I can't. I'm American with an American passport. And they don't let you go to Cuba. Which sucks, because all of my friends (who are, of course, Canadian) say that Cuba's awesome and have been there many times.

6. Biggest fear?
Whew! Such embarrasing questions, man. 
The dark. Because everything is unknown, and like I don't know what's in the darkness. But I do have an eternal source of light, Jesus. <3

7. Favorite quote?
"Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you need to keep moving."
~ Albert Einstien
^ Smart and logical guy :) 

8. What's one thing you want to try?
Bungee Jummping. I want to see the world from a different view. ;) *insert cheesy smile here*

9. Why do you blog?
Because I can be who I can be with the screen in front of me... Um, it's very inspiring. And I find it's like a diary, only much cooler. :) 
Not that diary's are cool, I mean like they're REALLY cool but like blogs are like...
Okay. I gotta stop the awkwardness.

10. What was the last thing you ate?
CHOCOLATE. Actually, I'm currently eating some right now too.

I nominate:


  1. I nominated you too :P I love all your answers :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'll add your bit of awesomeness in that post!!! :)

  2. thank you soooo much dear! i've already done it actually (here:, but thank you so much anyways! you've no idea how much happier you made my day (: <3

  3. I just love all your answers darling,you did an amazing job! And thank you so much for putting my button on your blog! You are too sweet

  4. awesome post i loved it I keep reading it over ,very nice answers for the questions and I am afraid of the dark not sleeping in the dark and that stuff like if I go down stairs alone at night and its dark I am scared ask Lila lol, amazing posts

    1. Thank you! Yes, going downstairs when its dark sucks LOL xD


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